STORE aims to design the requirements of the energy storage infrastructure (technological mix, energy capacities and power ratings, geographical distribution, and aggregation levels) to achieve 100% generation from renewables in Switzerland. By identifying these requirements and tackling industry-driven use cases, STORE will evaluate their impact on local and system operations in a holistic setting, providing quantitative information on their performance to foster future investments in the sector. The project is financed by the industrial partners of the project, and by Innosuisse (flagship programme). The project started at the end of 2023 and is 4-year long.
Hybrid hydropower, Flexibility, Fatigue Reduction, Hydropeaking, Hidden energy storage capacity.
Green hydrogen, Reversible solid-oxide fuel cells, Heat needs, Long-term energy storage.
Peak shaving, Economic optimization of the demand, PV self-consumption.
Congestion management, Voltage control, Grid reinforcement deferall.
Energy storage siting and sizing, Vertical aggregation, System Operations.
The project consortium consists of 13 industrial partners (representative of the whole value chain of the power industry, from generation and grid operators to consumers and cleantench companies) and 4 academic partners. HESSO Valais is the leading institution.
You can direct enquiries at the project coordinator, Prof. Fabrizio Sossan.